Half Beef Share Custom Deposit (2024)


Our commitment to 100% grass-fed cattle, pasture-raised pigs and chickens, and regenerative farming practices ensures the well-being of our animals and the sustainability of our land. Our cattle enjoy the freedom to graze on nutrient-rich pastures. Their 100% grass-fed diet not only ensures flavorful beef but also promotes healthier fats like Omega-3 and CLA.


How it works: You reserve your choice of a Bristol Haven Half Beef Share today with a non-refundable deposit. We hand select your beef from our farm to be processed for you at our next upcoming processing date. Once we have the hanging weight, we'll send you an invoice for the final cost of the animal (minus the deposit).  When your cuts are ready, you'll pay the processing costs at the time of pick-up at the processor.  (For 2023, processing costs were $0.68 per pound hanging weight with additional $0.15/lb for ground beef & $0.70/lb for patties, along with the slaughter fee of approx. $80 for a half cow.)


Pricing your beef: This deposit will secure your purchase of a half cow at $5.25 per pound hanging weight in 2024.  Our 100% grass-fed cows usually have a hanging weight of 450 to 550 pounds, resulting in a take-home product weight of approximately 50-70% depending on the cuts you choose.


Freezer Space: This half beef share will require approximately 10 cubic ft. of freezer space.


Packaging:  All cuts are USDA-processed and labeled, packaged in your choice of butcher paper or vacuum-sealed.


Customization and fulfillment: Our processing dates for 2024 are in early December.  We'll contact you a couple weeks prior to your processing date and advise you of where & how to send the cutting instructions to the processor.  You will pick up your meat at the processor located within 1-2 hours from Kalamazoo.


Please note that deposits are non-refundable as they are used to support the growth and care of a living animal, which is an irreversible process.

Pasture Raised

Humanely Raised

GMO Free

No Hormones or Steroids

No Antibiotics

No Spray

Custom Share Cost Estimate

Whole Cow Example

Half Cow Example

Hanging Weight

Approx. 400-550 lbs.

Approx. 200-275 lbs.

Purchase Price

$5.25/lb hanging weight

$5.25/lb hanging weight

Cost Paid to Farm

Approx. $2100-$2,887

Approx. $1050-$1,443 

Costs paid to the butcher:

Processing Fee

$0.68/lb hanging wt.

$0.68/lb hanging wt.

Slaughter Fee



Butcher's fees subject to change


Explore Healthy Poultry Products

Whole Chicken


Bristol Haven Variety Box


Eggs - 1 dozen




1300 W Bristol Rd
Delton MI 49046


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