Karen embarked on her journey almost two decades ago, inspired by a conference where she encountered Dr. Mark Hyman's groundbreaking insights. Driven by a desire to integrate health and nutrition, she pursued extensive training in functional medicine and medical acupuncture. Today, Karen is not only board-certified in family medicine but also in integrative holistic medicine. Her journey to wellness led her to reevaluate her diet, transitioning from vegetarianism to embracing meat that is ethically raised on pasture and fed a natural diet. Through this personal experience, Karen discovered the profound impact of nourishing, sustainably sourced food on overall well-being.
Matt is the steward of Bristol Haven Farm's lands and animals. With a deep connection to the earth and a love for agriculture, Matt devotes himself to the day-to-day operations of the farm. From tending to the soil to caring for our animals, Matt ensures that every aspect of our farm reflects our values of sustainability and ethical farming practices. As Karen tends to her patients at Betten Integrative Medicine, Matt's dedication keeps our farm thriving.
This summer, we're excited to welcome Hope, Matt's daughter, to Bristol Haven Farm. With her passion for agriculture and a keen eye for detail, Hope will oversee our layer hens and chicken egg operations.
At Bristol Haven Farm, we believe that food is not just sustenance—it's medicine.
We invite you to join us on our journey towards holistic health and sustainable living. Whether you're a farmer, a foodie, or a health enthusiast, there's a place for you at our table. Welcome to Bristol Haven Farm, where every bite nourishes the body and soul.